Annnnd I’m Back!

woman in maskHi there! Gosh it’s good to see you. I’ve been missing you.

Back in March, I decided it was high time to revamp my blog with an up-to-date theme and some fresh new pictures. Since then, it’s been more or less on my to-do list. I’ve been working with a great blog designer, commissioned some photos from my niece the DC photographer, and deleted lots of old content that no one really read in the first place. Then, all I had to do was write a post for the grand unveiling.

But wait! I’m also finishing up my Doctor of Ministry. I thought I would start my project phase back in August, but delays meant that we began on September 13. If all goes well, I’ll be done with all the revisions, the oral defense, and everything before Thanksgiving.

Good thing too, because hopefully we will finally have all our children home for Thanksgiving—including the one who has been in NYC through COVID and has not been home since Christmas 2019. One lesson learned from COVID? 11 months is a long time to go without seeing your kiddo.

Other lessons from COVID? Oh yes. One, being the pastor of any size church during a pandemic is challenging. Good thing my husband is such a great pastor’s spouse because wow! It’s taken both of us to get the Sunday service live streamed and then posted online.

So yeah. Blog took a back seat to a lot of other things of late. But it’s back!

Look for new content coming over the next few days and THANKS for hanging in there with me. It’s good to be back among the bloggers.

By Aileen MItchell Lawrimore

Aileen Mitchell Lawrimore is a mother x 3, wife x 35 (years not men), minister, speaker, writer, retreat leader, and lover of beagles and books. She has a lot to say.