I’ve already written a number of posts about Cameron (some of the most popular on my site actually), but I’m not sure I’ve ever really let him know how much I appreciate who he is as an individual. Thank you #17*: to Cameron Brown.
Dear Cameron,
Happy Birthday! Can you believe you are 19? And how very cool that Finding Dory came out on your birthday! Pixar & Disney must know what a big movie fan you are. Well, they’d have to; so many of their movies seem to point straight to you!
- Toy Story‘s theme song, “You’ve Got a Friend in Me,” sounds to me like YOUR theme song! You are so very good at being a friend. You help us slow down when the road is rough ahead. And for your friends? There isn’t anything that you wouldn’t do. Yep. I know I’ve got a friend in you, Cameron Brown and I am so grateful!
- In Monster’s Inc., Mike Wazowski says, “You and I are friends. There’s nothing more important than our friendship.” Just curious, Cameron: did you write that line? Because you sure do make your friends a top priority! Thanks buddy!
- And Brave? Oh my goodness. I can’t believe how brave you are–especially going over that wall at Caswell! I’m scared of that thing, but not you: you just trust your friends and up you go. Merida could take lessons in bravery from you Cameron! (And maybe I could too!)
- Remember Dug from Up? Now don’t go running after any squirrels, but I think you have something in common with Dug. I can just hear you saying something like, “My name is Cameron. I have just met you and I love you.” I love the way you love people Cameron!
- One thing’s for sure. If life gets you down, you know what you have to do. You “just keep swimming . . . “
You’re basically Woody, Buzz, Mike, Sully, Merida, Dug, and Dory wrapped into one Cameron. Maybe we should start to call you Wuzikely Merdugry?
Wait! I thought of something better!
Happy Birthday Mr. Incredible! Thanks for being awesome!
Love, Aileen
In an extended celebration of my 50th birthday on 7-22-2015, I’m writing 50 thank you notes. (Originally I said in 50 weeks. Now I’ll just say, over the course of time . . . .) This one is #17. Please click on the tag “50 Thank You Notes” if you would like to read the others.