I’d just finished teaching a class at the community college when my youngest child, then 14, arrived. We had an errand to run so her brother dropped her off at the college to save us time. I introduced Margaret to one of my students who was still hanging around in the hall.
“Margaret, this is Zach*, a student in my class.”
Margaret responded as she always does to new people: blushing, she gave a quick nonsmile as she began her escape.
“Hi Margaret, I’m Zach.” The student spoke to her back. We were already walking away when the student added, “You have an amazing mom!”
“Thank you!” I responded to Zach, then linked my arm with Margaret’s and joked, “Don’t you wish you had a nickel for every time you’ve heard that!”
“I’d have a nickel,” she said (smarty pants), “No wait, I’d have a bunch more than that. My grade** loves you. Even Ethan likes you. I don’t know why he likes you.”
(Evidently getting Ethan’s approval is an accomplishment.)
Love your kids’ friends. It’s an investment that gives back dividends immediately!