Back then, Pikachu and Charizard were still on the drawing board; “Wifi” and “Google” were nonsense words; and Netflix was about to start a mail order movie rental business, competing with the industry giant, Blockbuster Video. Households might have had one desktop computer for use by the entire family, and long distance rates varied based on the time of day. Also in 1996, mobile phones were roughly the size of today’s mobile tiny houses. Give or take an antennae or two.
But the most memorable thing about 1996, at least to the Lawrimore family, was the birth of Baker Powell Lawrimore. How that cuddly little noise maker is now a grown man, I’ll never be able to explain.
Here on the blog, you’ll find lots of posts about Baker, my absolute favorite son. (I’ve linked a few below.) And he actually has a few guest posts himself. (You can find these by using the search tool on the blog, keyword, “Baker.”)
So in honor of his birthday, you are invited to read a little bit about my son. He’s kind of a nice fella, if I do say so myself.
- The one when I tell about my postpartum elation. Gratitude Week 4: My Boy
- The one about Baker and homework. Parenting: High Maintenance, High Praise
- The one where Baker is suddenly taller than his mother. Baker and Bone Mass
- The one in which Baker becomes a theologian. Light in the Darkness: Baker’s Firefly
- The one that tells about Baker not getting shot. And Justice for All
- The one that lists a few things Baker has said over the years that illustrate just how fabulous he is. My Fabulous Baker Boy